I'm Melissa Eich.

It all started when I realized the struggles and challenges busy women face in their journey towards a healthy, vibrant life, juggling various responsibilities and seeking sustainable weight loss solutions without resorting to quick fixes or extreme diets.

hey friend!

Reading a personal growth book, morning journaling, and moving my body in a loving way.

daily rituals

Reading mystery-thriller novels, snuggling my doodle pups and on chicken duty.


Overwhelm, burnout and unecessary stress. No thanks.


Supporting women who want to lead a healthy, vibrant life.


The busy women who juggle jobs, kids, significant others, and the occasional social night out with a few cocktails. You can become a healthy woman who loves her body and sustainably loses weight without quick fixes, starving yourself, or losing your mind. 

Let me show you how my coaching program will take you from feeling stuck in your body and overwhelmed from information to finally attaining clarity for fueling your body well, freedom from endless, unsustainable dieting,and unconditional love for yourself and for the body you have today. 

The women who want to shed unwanted weight and live a healthy, vibrant life but can't stay accountable. The ones who are done with quick fixes and are ready to get to the root cause of why yo-yo dieting isn't working. 

Most mornings, you can catch me sipping on coffee and wrestling my kids out the door for school while I blend my infamous smoothie. After a busy day of sports, chicken duties, and bargaining my kids to eat their vegetables - you'll find me reading a mystery-thriller novel and snuggling with my doodle pups.
But in between? That's when I serve women like you.

“My day to day stress has been the biggest change since starting mindfully well. I was at a very stressful point in my life when we began. The tools have helped so much in being able to better manage my stressors.”

Kris Ann:

“I feel empowered, feel like I am in control. Not only do I see physical changes happening, but I also feel the mental changes changing as well, that is the key.”


“On vacation in the hills. I got up, ate a proper breakfast, and put in just shy of 6 hilly miles. And I did not burn out. I repeat, I did not burn out!! It’s a miracle. A proper nutrition miracle. Thank you! Month 1 = Success.”


The Skinny Confidential


Summertime S'mores


The Road Less Stupid


Electrolyte water


Power Rangers for the 100th time



My Favorite Things

I'm obsessed with this Caraway Cookware. I'm slowly removing toxins from our home and cookware was the first on my list. Nonstick in the most nontoxic way - and they're pretty.

The Full Focus Planner and The Do Less Planner. I live each day with full intention, and these two planners keep me in check with my daily energy, my cycle, and productivity with overwhelm.

LMNT Electrolytes: perfect taste. Perfect Hydration. Shop all the flavors!

My Favorite Things

Sunshine. Wayfarers kickstarter semiotics, quinoa godard dreamcatcher hexagon pop-up hoodie.

Ice cream. Microdosing gochujang keffiyeh salvia. Hoodie knausgaard art party.

my guilty pleasure

Photos! Hashtag fashion axe palo santo fanny pack, ramps cornhole messenger bag asymmetrical.

Smoothies are the idea way to begin your morning. You'll learn how these nutrient dense smoothies will fuel your day for success and energy!

Your Free Smoothie Guide

Better than Free Ice Cream!

let's work together

Whether you're ready to dive right into coaching with me or you want an in-depth conversation to find out how my coaching program can help you, apply for my program and we'll uncover the possibilities that are ahead for you.

did we just become best friends?